Monthly Archives: September 2012

Summer Shredding in Saas Fee.

On 9 sept I left for a trip with the Junior team to Saas Fee. I was pretty stoked to go to the mountains again. After a 10 hour drive we arrived in Saas Fee. The next day it was bluebird and everybody was really motivated to ride again. When we arrived up on the mountain the park and the park looked amazing. We just had fun the whole day riding a little bit of everything. Every afternoon we did some core exercises and some stretching. On Tuesday it was sunny again. We had a good day except that Thijs Ottens made a really nasty crash when doing a bs 360 on the last big kicker. He pulled a muscle in his shoulder. He was brought to the hospital in Visp. That afternoon he was allowed to leave the hospital. For the rest of the 2 weeks we had awesome weather and alot of fun. I learned alot of new stuff in the pipe. Bigger airs, high FS 5’s and nice FS 7’s. I really enjoyed riding the pipe in Saas Fee. It was perfect. The last 2 days they changed the kicker and it was better and smoother. I really liked it and I was feeling the kicker really good. I got back al the tricks I did before and that made me pretty stoked. It’s gonna be a really good season for me! Image